Talking about virtual and augmented reality

Talking about virtual and augmented reality

Labels matter. Naming is both, taming and creating. In turn, the way we talk about virtual and augmented reality is important because it shapes the ways in which we think about these technological experiences, research them, and even experience them. This simple yet profound idea underpinning critical and constructivist approaches to communication studies is at…

Virtual reality and refugee crises: Impact of “Clouds Over Sidra”

Virtual reality and refugee crises: Impact of “Clouds Over Sidra”

While the Syrian refugee crisis has elicited varying responses from different nations, the American perspective remains critically understudied, even in the light of evidence suggesting that the U.S. public opinion toward refugees is less favorable than in other countries (Carlier, 2016). Studies have pointed out that quality information sharing in the context of a refugee…

Exploring ā€˜proper distanceā€™ in virtual reality for humanitarian practice

Exploring ā€˜proper distanceā€™ in virtual reality for humanitarian practice

Emerging technologies are increasingly being incorporated into humanitarian practice by non-governmental organizations, governments, and leading institutions. Such new technologies include digital mapping systems, GPS technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), satellite imagery, and virtual reality deployed in the service of humanitarian rescue and aid efforts.  Among all of these, virtual reality (VR) seems to occupy a…